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Category Archives: Health & Beauty

When it comes to high blood pressure and kidney disease

When it comes to high blood pressure and kidney disease I believe many readers may shrug their shoulders and think to themselves, “Oh, that’s a far cry from me. I’m not a salty eater.” Or, “I’m not at the age where I have to think

Because sunlight is not just sunlight

Because sunlight is not just sunlight Let’s learn how to deal with sunlight every day, 365 days a year. Everyone knows that sunlight is a major factor in causing various skin problems, such as dark spots, premature wrinkles, or even the risk of skin cancer. But

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How to walk to look slim

How to walk to look slim For those who want to have a slim figure but don’t want too out of breath, we recommend using walking exercise as a shortcut to ufabet slimness. But for good results, you should know some small tips as

What kind of exercise suitable the elderly?

What kind of exercise suitable the elderly? If you are not sure about exercise or stretching for the elderly, consult a medical professional for exercises that are appropriate for the age and physical condition of the elderly. Walking or jogging slowly                Suitable for those who

Why is “skinny” but still has “belly” with 3 ways to get rid of belly?

I’m not fat, but my belly fat hasn’t gone away. why Mr. Yolaworanat Chirattakorn, Health Promotion Division , Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University states that Visceral Fat is a condition of abdominal fat. whether fat or thin It can happen too. If you are living a full life with eating Enjoy

How to eat “egg” to get the most benefit?

“Eggs” are often associate with breakfast and provide the body with protein. One large egg There are 13 essential vitamins and minerals and a total of 70 calories of high-quality protein. Plus, nutritional research suggests that “eggs” play a role in weight management. muscle strength quality pregnancy brain function Eye health

10 chronic diseases of adults in their Age 40 up

10 chronic diseases of adults in their Age 40 up Age 40 up, most of them have health problems in what areas? Age 40 up, there are many health problems that occur together. Whether it’s easy to get fat, skin has wrinkles, fatigue, not fresh, tired easily, memory loss, osteoporosisby UFABET. What

Knee rehabilitation for athletes and chronic injuries

Knee rehabilitation for athletes and chronic injuries You may have wondered if a professional soccer player has suffered a knee injury. and had to undergo surgery. Why do you have to stop playing for 6 – 12 months? Many of you understand that those athletes are Just rest on the

Does emotion also affect body structure?

Does emotion also affect body structure? Have you ever noticed that People. Who are in a good mood, think good, do good, have a good heart will be happy people. Rejuvenate body bright eyes miraculously affects physical health. Also known as ” the mind is the master, the body is the servant ” When

Structure body to resist all diseases.

Adjust the structure body to resist all diseases. Time goes on and on Until some people may accidentally and forget. What you want to do. But one thing. That should paid attention to is our own ” body and mind ” . Start turning to take care of yourself and take care